No Boundaries? No Problem. 

What would you do if you had no boundaries, no limits, no execuses, just freedom? What if there was no limit of time or money, you could do anything you want? What would you do? And more importantly, what does that say about you?

For some, they would travel the word with a sense of wanderlust, for others, they would spend time with family. However, while all this seems nice, I honestly think I would go insane. I don’t know about you, but for me I thrive when I am working on something I am passionate about. I need a purpose.

No amount of clothes or money or materialistic things can fill this hole, this thirst to do good to make an impact to change the world. When people ask me what I want to do with my life I tell the the truth; I want to change the world. This may seem a bit austentaitous, but it’s the truth. I can go anywhere to get a degree or live my life, but it all means nothing if I cannot use my knowledge and the money I earn to serve and help others. My learning comes with a responsibility to use my education, my life to serve others.

For me, I would devote my life to combatting poverty. This could mean actually collecting food or helping those in poverty get back on their feet. With this, I would hope to spread my faith and inspire others along the way. I have always held my education highly, without college, there would be no need for me to focus on an “ideal career”. I think my passion for business serves as a conveyance to serve others. That the education and. money I would make would go towards helping others. Without school or financial boundaries I could do this. In a later blog post, I will explain my passion and the personal meaning behind it.


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